Publication Fees

The Intercontinental Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS) is committed to promoting high-quality research in the field of social sciences. To sustain our rigorous editorial process, online archiving, and various other services, we have established a publication fee.

Fee Structure

Publication Charge: $100

What the Fee Covers

The $100 publication fee encompasses the following services:

Editorial Process: A thorough double-blind peer review and editorial decision.

Copyediting and Typesetting: Ensuring the article is formatted to the journal’s specifications.

Online Hosting: Permanent archiving of the article on the journal's website.

Promotion: Advertising the article across multiple platforms for enhanced visibility and impact.

Administrative Costs: The fee also contributes to other operational costs.

Payment Process

Invoice: Upon the acceptance of your paper, an invoice will be sent to the corresponding author via email.

Payment Method: The fee can be paid either by bank transfer or via PayPal.

Deadline: The payment should be completed within 14 days after receiving the invoice to avoid delays in the publication process.


Confirmation: A confirmation will be sent to you once the payment is successfully received and processed.

Fee Waivers

We offer a limited number of fee waivers for authors facing financial hardship. If you wish to apply for a waiver, please send a formal request to

Refund Policy

Please be advised that the $100 publication charge is non-refundable once the article has been published online.

Contact Us

For questions or further clarification regarding the publication fees, feel free to reach out to us at or via our Contact Us page.