Open Access Policy

The Intercontinental Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS) is committed to disseminating high-quality research as widely as possible. In order to achieve this goal, IJSS adheres to an Open Access Policy, which allows for unrestricted access to published articles. This policy aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, encourage scholarly collaboration, and foster innovation in the field of social sciences.

Scope of Open Access

Under our Open Access Policy, all articles published in IJSS are made freely available online immediately upon publication. This enables academics, researchers, students, and the general public to read, download, distribute, and use these articles without any financial, legal, or technical barriers, provided that proper citation is given to the original authors and the source.


IJSS articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Authors retain copyright to their work and can also deposit their articles in institutional and thematic repositories without restrictions.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

To sustain the Open Access model, IJSS charges an Article Processing Fee (APC) for each manuscript accepted for publication. The APC covers the cost of editorial work, peer review, and production. Authors or their institutions are responsible for these fees, though waivers or discounts may be available for authors from low-income countries or in exceptional circumstances.

Increased Visibility:

The primary advantage of Open Access lies in its ability to exponentially increase the visibility of academic research. Articles published under this model are freely accessible online, which means they can be read, shared, and distributed by anyone with an internet connection. This unrestricted availability extends the reach of scholarly work beyond the confines of academia to professionals, policymakers, and the general public, thereby increasing its potential impact. Furthermore, Open Access articles are more readily indexed by search engines and academic databases, thereby appearing more prominently in search results and attracting more readership.

Higher Citation Rates:

Another significant benefit of Open Access is the likelihood of increased citations. According to various studies, articles that are freely accessible are cited more frequently than those locked behind paywalls. This phenomenon can be attributed to the wider dissemination enabled by Open Access, which results in the work coming to the attention of a broader audience. Higher citation rates not only reflect the impact of the research but also potentially increase the prestige and academic standing of the authors, thereby advancing their careers.

Public Good:

Open Access serves the public good by democratising access to academic knowledge. Traditionally, much of scholarly research, often funded by public grants, has been accessible only through expensive journal subscriptions or institutional affiliations. Open Access removes these financial and institutional barriers, allowing taxpayers, community organisations, and independent researchers to benefit from academic findings. This is especially crucial in fields like medicine, environmental science, and social policy, where research can have direct implications for public health, safety, and well-being.


Lastly, Open Access fosters a collaborative spirit within the academic community by eliminating the barriers often associated with traditional publishing models. These barriers can limit the flow of information between disciplines and even between researchers within the same field. By making research findings freely available, Open Access facilitates interdisciplinary research, allowing for the synthesis of ideas and methods that drive innovation. Moreover, it enables scholars from low-income countries to access, contribute to, and collaborate on research, levelling the academic playing field and promoting global scholarship.

By embracing Open Access, the Intercontinental Journal of Social Sciences aims to maximise the benefits described above, contributing to the dissemination of valuable research in the field of social sciences. We believe that Open Access is not merely an alternative publishing model but a crucial component in fulfilling the ethical and intellectual objectives of academic scholarship.

Compliance with Funding Requirements

Many funding bodies now require that the research they fund must be made available through Open Access. IJSS’s Open Access Policy is compliant with the requirements of major funding agencies, ensuring that authors can easily meet these mandates.

Archiving Policy

All IJSS articles are archived in reputable digital archives to ensure long-term availability and preservation.

The Open Access Policy at IJSS is designed to ensure that high-quality academic research is accessible to as wide an audience as possible. By promoting the free sharing of knowledge, we aim to contribute to the advancement of the field of social sciences. Authors publishing with IJSS are therefore not only sharing their insights with the academic community but are also making a valuable contribution to the public good.