Publication Frequency

The Intercontinental Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS) is committed to providing timely and consistent access to high-quality research in the field of social sciences. To this end, we follow a bimonthly publication schedule, issuing new volumes every two months. Our publication cycle begins in January each year and continues with subsequent issues being released in March, May, July, September, and November. This frequency allows us to strike a balance between providing rapid dissemination of scholarly work and ensuring that each article undergoes a rigorous and thorough peer review process.

The bimonthly schedule enables us to offer researchers multiple opportunities throughout the year to submit and publish their work. It also allows our readers to expect a steady and continuous flow of new research, fostering ongoing engagement with the latest developments in the social sciences. The Intercontinental Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS) follows a bimonthly publication model, issuing six volumes every calendar year. This decision has been made to cater to the dynamic nature of the social sciences, which often require a faster publication cycle for timely dissemination of research findings. A bimonthly frequency ensures that researchers have ample opportunities to publish their work while maintaining the high quality and rigorous standards that academic scholarship demands.

Starting in January

Our annual publication cycle kicks off in January and continues with subsequent volumes released in March, May, July, September, and November. The January start aligns with the academic calendar in many institutions, offering scholars a fresh opportunity at the beginning of the year to submit their manuscripts for consideration.

Quality Assurance

While our bimonthly publication schedule allows for quicker access to new research, we remain steadfastly committed to quality. Each submitted manuscript undergoes a rigorous peer review process, supplemented by additional quality checks, to ensure that all published articles meet the highest standards of academic integrity and scholarly excellence.

Benefits to Authors and Researchers

This frequent publication schedule affords authors greater flexibility in timing their submissions. Whether an author’s research aligns with academic semesters or external funding cycles, the bimonthly model accommodates a wide range of timelines. Furthermore, frequent publication offers authors the chance to receive prompt feedback from the scholarly community, thereby potentially enhancing the impact and citation rate of their work.

Consistency for Readers

For our readers, a bimonthly frequency means a reliable and consistent flow of new, peer-reviewed articles across various sub-disciplines within social sciences. This allows academics, practitioners, and policymakers to stay updated with the latest research findings and theoretical advancements, thereby aiding their own research, teaching, or decision-making processes.

Adaptability and Responsiveness

Lastly, a bimonthly publication model makes IJSS more adaptable to fast-changing research landscapes and responsive to emerging issues that demand immediate academic attention. With six issues per year, we can nimbly incorporate special issues or timely research papers that address urgent societal challenges or phenomena.