Information For Librarians

We extend a warm welcome to librarians interested in the Intercontinental Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS). The IJSS serves as an important resource for scholarly work in sociology, anthropology, political science, international relations, and other interdisciplinary fields. Below are some key points that may be of interest to you and your institution.

Open Access

IJSS is an open-access journal, ensuring unrestricted access to high-quality scholarly articles. This means that all the content is freely available, enabling you to add it to your library’s electronic catalog without incurring subscription costs.

Permanency and Archiving

We understand the importance of long-term preservation of scholarly work. IJSS is part of LOCKSS and CLOCKSS archival systems, which ensures that the articles are stored in a secure and permanent archive.


We are open to discussions about institutional partnerships, which could involve special rates for article processing charges for authors from your institution, or other collaborations that enhance the academic mission of your library.

Promotional Material

Upon request, we can provide marketing materials such as flyers, posters, or online banners that you can display in your library or on your website to increase awareness of our journal among your academic community.

Discovery Systems

Our journal’s metadata is compliant with leading discovery services to ensure easy access and high visibility. This makes it simple for you to integrate our articles into your existing library systems.

Privacy and Data Protection

We adhere to strict data protection policies to ensure the confidentiality of authors, reviewers, and readers. Information stored in our database is used solely for the journal’s operations and is not shared with external parties.

Contact Us

For any inquiries or collaborative possibilities, please feel free to contact us at We value the role that librarians play in the academic community and look forward to working closely with you.